Annual Meeting 2024
We are pleased to announce that the 26th Annual Meeting of the GPPSA will be held at Wichita State University on November 1-2, 2024.
Our conference welcomes presentations and participation from all areas of political science and related disciplines from collegiate, post-collegiate, and professional scholarship. Paper proposals for those interested in presenting are due by September 15, 2024. Please see the proposal submission link for more information on submitting an abstract.
Friday will include research panels and the annual business meeting. It is geared towards individuals wishing to engage with new scholarly work on politics.
GPPSA extends a special invitation to graduate and undergraduate students. The conference is small, friendly, inexpensive, and attracts generalists--it's a great forum for feedback on research posters, prospectuses, grant proposals, theses, etc. We offer discounted registration and prize categories for graduate and undergraduate students.
Saturday will feature a series of workshops focused on the teaching of political science. All conference attendees are welcome to join, but we also offer a registration option for those interested solely in the Saturday pedagogy workshops.
Registration for the conference is also handled on this site - see the registration page for more information. Membership fees for the association are included in your conference registration. We offer a rate schedule based on academic status (faculty, graduate or undergraduate student, professional).
Attending the Conference
Wichita State University is located in Wichita, Kansas, and is the only urban public research university in the state. Wichita State has a thriving campus of over 16,000 students and is known for providing impactful applied learning experiences and driving prosperity for students and the community.
Conveniently, Wichita State University has a hotel right on campus! GPPSA attendees are encouraged to stay at the Wichita State Hyatt Place. GPPSA has reserved a block of rooms at a discounted conference rate ($107/night + fees). Reservations can be made using this link through September 7, 2024.
Wichita State University allows visitors to park for free on campus up to three week days per academic year. Visitor Parking is available in several lots near the Rhatigan Student Center and more information is available via WSU Parking. Garage parking is available for an hourly fee. If you have used your allotted visitor parking please email alexandra.middlewood@wichita.edu to receive a parking pass.